We are seeing God doing great things through our weekend services in Paamul. We had three more people this week who gave their lives to Christ in our Spanish service. They are going to be baptized next Sunday. The English speakers also had a great time of worship Sunday. Please pray for this church in Paamul and these new believers.
Some prayer needs for the week:
1. Pray for the three who are planing to be baptized next Sunday.
2. One of our small groups is going to have an outreach movie for kid's in Playa next Sat.
3. My mother is having back surgery on Friday
4. We have our small groups meetings of Wed.
5. Ladies in English have a bible study on Tuesday
6. We are planning to have a Thanksgiving day outreach on the 22
7. I am going to continue to look for land for our camp/training center vision
8. Continue to pray for the the guys building our missionary house. Pray that the construction would speed up and that we would have to money to finish the project.
9. Pray for our kid's in the States Brandon and his wife Amy in Dallas ; Brittany is in school in Ark.