The youth mission team from Alaska is doing great out at Chan Chen... They are sleeping in Hammocks and cooking on a camp stove but they are all doing great.
The group here from Crosspointe Church Bothell, WA. came in on Monday afternoon.
Below is their plan for the week so you know how to pray for this team.
Plan for the week:
Monday July 7, 2008
4:42 group arrives in Cancun
7:15 dinner at our house in Paamul
8:00pm short orientation and Check in hotel
Tuesday July 8,
8:00am breakfast in rooms
9:15am work at the church building a prayer garden
1:00pm lunch at Doug’s house
2: 00pm free time
6:15pm Go into Playa for dinner and inviting people to Church services
Wed. July 9th
8:00am breakfast in rooms
9:15am work at the church finish
1;00pm Lunch at Doug and Darla’s house
3:00pm go into town and hand out fliers
5:00pm kid’s program
7:30pm dinner in Paamul
Thursday July10th
Doug and Darla will be picking up the other team from Alaska and will be taking them to Cancun.
8:00am breakfast in rooms
9:15am Working with Harvey around Paamul
12:30pm lunch
Free time
6:00pm Dinner at the Millars house
Friday July 11 th
free day
Breakfast at 7:15am
8:30 leave for the Mayan village
10:30 – 12:00 Kid’s program in the park in Chan Chen
1:00pm Lunch in Chan Chen
5:00 return to Paamul
7:00pm dinner at the Millar’s house
Sunday July 13th
7:45am help clean the church and setup for the services
8:15 breakfast in rooms
9:45 English service
11:30 Spanish service
1;15 LUNCH AT THE Millar
3:00pm free time option - for cost of the gas Bill will let us go out on his Sea Rocket boat
$20 a person normal cost is $90
7:00pm dinner at the Millar
Breakfast at the millar’s house 9:00am
Free time and packing time
12:15 LUNCH