Yesterday hurricane Ike hit Cuba. Assessment teams from the Eastern Baptist Convention of Cuba are out today visiting the zones in their area heaviest hit by Ike. We are already getting some reports. The following is one we got this morning from one of the convention leaders.
Today I spoke to pastor Gabriel in Las Tunas (one of the towns hardest hit), they have fifty people in the church building, and he told me something that marked my life. He said, “Something incredible has happened. The houses of the Christians have been protected. Houses fell on one side and the other but those of the children of God are still standing.” Glory to God! At about three in the morning Gabriel heard screams and a lot of noise, the wind pounded around 120 miles per hour. The neighbors who lived next door to the church building were losing their house. Without thinking twice, the pastor went out, the wind dragging him along, but he was able to bring them back to the church and protect their lives.
In these difficult times we are trusting in God. God is going to do something good.
Please pray—
+ For those who are homeless, hungry and barely hanging onto hope, like Gabriel’s neighbors
+ For the assessment teams who are visiting the devastated areas, that they would be able to encourage and offer a word of witness to the suffering ones, and that they will have wisdom in discerning how to help.
+ Thank God for His faithfulness to the Family of Faith in good times and bad.