We are here in Arkadelphia, Ark. celebrating with our daughter Brittany as she graduates from college. I'm thanking and praising God that He has blessed our family in so many ways. Brittany is a smart young lady but without God's help we know we would not be celebrating this weekend. It was not all about money but God did a miracle in this area as well. When Brittany was a freshmen God lead us to resign from the International Mission Board and start our own mission organization, Global Community Fellowship. At that time we had two kids in College and the IMB was paying most of the cost. We had no support outside of the IMB and I remember telling the Lord in prayer that the timing could not be worse.. He said trust Me. So we did and today it's not only Brittany's victory, or the victory of the Millar family but it's God victory....
I want to thank all of you who have prayed for us over the years thanks and to God be the Glory...