Friday, July 31, 2009

At peace in Chan Chen

Real peace is having the faith of a child....

Back in the heat of Mexico

Yes, back in the heat of Mexico

We are back at it and it is HOT HOT HOT,,,We need your prayers today. I am going out to the Mayan village of Chan Chen this morning with Pastor Mark Goodman from Alaska... He and his wife are here on a family mission trip.We are looking forward to our Weekend Celebration as the church comes together.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

We are in North Carolina this week.

Darla and I are visiting with my folks in Greenville NC this week.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Visiting with Family in Missouri

Great Weather 78 degree high in July!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We made it

After five weeks of volunteer mission teams we are taking a short vacation in the States. Next Monday will be Darla's birthday so we plan to be with her Mom in Puxico Mo. Our son Brandon is going to be coming over from Dallas so this is going to be a good time with family.

Friday, July 10, 2009

When you don't have Power you can't get a Mexican Visa

Today we when to pickup our FM2 visa. Living in Mexico for 13 years now this has just become part of our life, it's what we do every July. We have tickets to go to the States on Tuesday and the imagination office said that our papers would be ready today. We need this visa to leave the country. We went in first thing this morning and the office did not have electricity.. NO POWER NO VISA. Well we need you prayers that Monday we can get the needed papers to leave the country.

The Alaska youth are leaving today and we have a very busy weekend coming up.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Looking forward to a trip to the States

We are planing on going to visit our family in the States on the 14th of July. We are getting our Mexican visas renewed this week so pray it all comes through on time for us to make the trip.

Debbie Hill is home now at their house in Playa. She is going to have a few months of rehabilitation with the knee but she seems to be in great spirits.

The group of students are still out in Chan Chen they are coming out tomorrow. Yesterday morning it was 95 degrees in the house where the are staying. This is extreme heat for kids from Alaska....

Start praying now for a movement of God in Playa. Starting August 16th we are going to launch a city wide campaign "OPCs PARA CRISTO" Christ has called us to be fishers of Men.

OPC is a timeshare term that means "outside personal contact".... We are praying that we will enlist at least 25 OPCs to work for our church leading people to Christ.

God hears your prayers so please pray.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Pray for Debbie Hill

We have been so busy with a group of 19 volunteers here from Rabbit Creeck Community Church in Alaska I have not had time to get on the computer but we do need your prayers. Debbie Hill our English Pastor's wife fell yesterday and missed up her knee. She is in surgery in the hospital in Cancun this morning...

Pray also for the group we have here they are going on the camp out in Chan Chen for the next three days.