We are planing on going to visit our family in the States on the 14th of July. We are getting our Mexican visas renewed this week so pray it all comes through on time for us to make the trip.
Debbie Hill is home now at their house in Playa. She is going to have a few months of rehabilitation with the knee but she seems to be in great spirits.
The group of students are still out in Chan Chen they are coming out tomorrow. Yesterday morning it was 95 degrees in the house where the are staying. This is extreme heat for kids from Alaska....
Start praying now for a movement of God in Playa. Starting August 16th we are going to launch a city wide campaign "OPCs PARA CRISTO" Christ has called us to be fishers of Men.
OPC is a timeshare term that means "outside personal contact".... We are praying that we will enlist at least 25 OPCs to work for our church leading people to Christ.
God hears your prayers so please pray.