Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tuesday Morning Staff Meeting

Every Tuesday morning the staff of the Community Fellowship of the Riviera Maya meets in VIPS for breakfast. We always start the meeting by checking the scoreboard. Where are we winning? At the Fellowship we score when we see people contacting with and growing in Christ, when people are building Christain friendships and when church members are using their resources for the glory of God.
This week Pastor Jose said he had a few people pray to recieve Christ on the Colosio Campus and they are starting another new small group out there . Carlos said the start of you new work in Nueva Creacion was a win. Cris said that his home group is growing and we are all praising God for these wins. We had 77 people come out for the Hot Dog Lunch last Sunday. I lead the service in Spanish this past week at the Paamul Campus, and the people seemed to understand, that was a big win.
Terry and Debbie Hill from Alaska are coming down to help us out while Darla and I are in the States and that is a win.

PRAISE THE LORD! They started work on our mission house.