Sunday, April 27, 2008

Report from the mission team from Alabama

Written by Page Hughes
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Day 1: Saturday April 26, 2008
Before the sun rose in Alabama our team headed to the airport to begin our passage to the field God has for us this week. Quietness settled over our team as we prepared for the week long journey with God. After two bumpy but safe flights we landed in Cancun. Out of our team of 15 only one couple had to go through a bag search at Mexican customs. Even they came throug it easily and I am thankful to report every bag made it here safely with enough paper, pencils, construction paper, glue sticks and other vairous school supplies to take care of at least 75 to 100 children at Chan Chen, the Mayan village.
Our gracious hosts met us with smiling faces and brought us to their home for lunch and supper. We spent the afternoon resting and preparing for the week ahead.
Our after dinner conversation turned into an anointed prayer experience where we sought God's heart and will for the community, our missionary friends, specific lost friends we will serve this week, and prayed for anointing on the services this morning.
As I close I would like to ask you to join us in praying for many of the requests we covered this evening. Please pray for two community leaders. Both need salvation and could be potential leaders for Christ in this community and in the Mayan village. Please pray for revival and renewal in the community. May the next great awakening start here and now. Pray for the 4 new small groups beginning next week. Commnity groups are the key to reaching people. The carnival and cook outs will be in two of the communities targetted by these small groups. Pray for finances to be able to continue the work here and meet the needs of many. God is at work and we want to join Him and see Him do more than we can dream or imagine. Ephesians 3:20
Your prayers are key to seeing God move, so please pray for these requests and any other God brings to your mind. We are expecting miracles. One last thought. Robin, one of our team members said last night we need to not only ask God for miracles, but go ahead and prepare as though He is sending them. It is like praying for rain then preparing the field knowing God is going to send it. We are preparing, and we sure need you guys to pray with us that God sends His Reign.